Tuesday, April 30, 2013

OFFICIAL Card - Russia

This over sized watercolour card depicting Church of the Savior on Blood in St Petersburg, Russia was sent to me by Vlad a student at the Maritime Academy. When I visited the city (Leningrad at the time) churches weren't high on the list of things to show us and in all honesty I don't remember if we went or not. I will have to dig through my pictures to see if anything there will ring a bell.

Direct Swap - Jo from Vietnam

Jo posted in the forum looking for swaps with others who had cards from her favourites or wish list. I had never seen anyone looking for Chinese Lanterns before and knew I had the perfect card for her. In return I just asked that she surprise me. She chose this beautiful card for me. The view shows Ngoc Son Temple or Temple of the Jade Mountain in the centre of Hanoi. She wrote about the meaning and legend which you can read more about in the link. Love the Hello Kitty sticker too, although she is looking a bit more Dutch than Vietnamese in this one! Whenever I see this Saigon postmark I sing this song in my head. Don't know why and don't mean to get political at all.

Monday, April 29, 2013

OFFICIAL Card - Netherlands

Maud lives close to the town of Groningen in The Netherlands. She sent me this view of Parklaan, a street in the town taken in the last century. I love tree lined streets like this. Wonder how many are still standing today?

OFFICIAL Card - Japan

Miwa from Tokyo, Japan wrote me saying she had just visited the Imperial Palace Museum. She sent this fun art card showing the work of  Ito Jakuchu. The piece is called "White fowl and pine" and while I could not find much online about it, I was able to see there was an exhibit last year in Washington. J.J. any chance you saw this?

Sunday, April 28, 2013

OFFICIAL Card - Australia

Danielle from Narembeen, Australia sent this card to me of London Court an open court shopping mall in Perth. She writes that Perth is the most isolated capital city in the world. Her town is 286km outside of Perth, never sees snow and can get up to 45C in the summer. While I am sure it is lovely, that is too hot for me!


This card from Marta arrived in a fast 6 days. I don't know what it is about Canada/US mail but it is not as fast as you would think given the proximity. My average travel time to is 13 days and from is 12 which sounds reasonable but when you figure that is the same time as Australia and Singapore you can understand why it seems not so hot.

The views are great and are exactly what you think of when thinking of this great city. First went when I was 18 and then again in my early 20's and every memory is a fun one. Clockwise from the upper left - Brooklyn Bridge, Central Park, Empire State & Chrysler Buildings, United Nations & Trump Tower.

Marta is originally from Poland and wrote me about her love of winter and how much she misses it compared to a Polish one. I do like experiencing all four seasons but I don't love the harshness of winter that she longs for.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Latvia from JJ

Drumroll please....here is is.....my first card of "the LV from the LV!!!" To better understand my excitement pop over here for a quick read.

My brother in law JJ sent this great multi-view of Riga when he was over in Latvia for work in March. He said there were lots of great old buildings, good bars and restaurants (in that order!) and friendly people. Love the stamp he chose, while the letters might be too tiny to read in the scan (laimīgu jauno gadu), if I have Google translated correctly it reads "Happy New Year!" Fun!!!

OFFICIAL Card - Germany

Gerald from Hamburg sent this vintage view card of the town of Sondershausen, Germany. He says it is a nice place and suggests Googling to learn more about it. Maybe he has stopped by my blog to see I Google almost everything! The upper middle view shows Sondershausen Palace as seen from the market. The rest I am still Googling.

Friday, April 26, 2013

OFFICIAL Card - Poland

More views of Warsaw made their way into my mailbox this time compliments of Alicja. She lives there while studying for her PhD in psychiatry. The views show the Town Square and Gothic Town Hall, which is an UNESCO site. The University of Warsaw and the Town Square once again with St Elizabeth's church.

OFFICIAL Card - Netherlands

Every once in awhile you receive a postcard that makes you re-think the type of cards you may want to collect. For me, this is one of those cards. I really enjoy the Chinese Lunar New Year and am quite envious of those who are what I would consider "fun" animals - Rabbit, Monkey, even Dog or Horse. I am a Sheep and have never been too crazy about the cuteness factor. There is a sheep farm just around the corner from us and they just always seem like they need a bath and a brush! Then this card arrived in my mailbox from Janneke and made me see that they actually could be really sweet. So, I decided to update my wish list in the hopes that I may receive a few others and hopefully gain a better appreciation for my symbol.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

February - Ayn from United Arab Emirates

You might recall that I am doing a monthly swap with Ayn. The card she sent me for February is absolutely stunning! This card was issued by the Abu Dhabi Tourism Authority and is promoting the heritage and traditions of the country. This card shows the beautiful artwork of henna painting. I can remember having this done for my sisters wedding 15 years ago. While I thought it was nice, it really would not compare to this example. Some new lovely stamps too! In the ever growing pile of cards backlogged on my desk I also have my March to post, hopefully soon.

OFFICIAL Card - Russia

Maria lives in Perm, Russia and sent this hypsometric map of the Russian Empire dated 1912. I love when a postcard teaches me something new, as hypsometric was not a word I was familiar with. She wrote me about her favourite book - No Time Dragons. Not a genre I have really ever explored but at least I would know a good Russian fantasy series if I wanted to start.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

OFFICIAL Card - Germany

Dietmar from Germany sent me this card showing Ludwig Street which leads into the central square of Munich known as, Odeonsplatz. This is his hometown. Also in the view is the Theatine Church and the Alps. Love the little extra part of the stamps that were included too.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Zulu lives in New York and studies anthropology. They sent me this vintage map card of Mississippi after a long day of both work and school. The facts on the back of the card states the population to be 2,178,141 which makes this card roughly 50 years old. It is in mint condition!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Direct Swap - Bruce from Scotland

Laura lives in Aberdeen, Scotland. One day I saw her post offering to send cards from her rabbit, Bruce. Not knowing what to expect and thinking it all sounded pretty wacky I thought - why not! This card arrived from Bruce who tells me he loves bananas. Kind of different, but made me smile nonetheless!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

OFFICIAL Card - Latvia

Both of my kids are on-again, off-again Postcrossers. One of the countries my son received a card from was Latvia. For some reason, the country short form for Latvia - LV - always stuck with him. He even started to call Las Vegas "the LV". It became a running joke between us. So, because we would go through periods where it was discussed more than most households I too was hoping to get a card from "LV".

In mid-March my brother in law was travelling to Latvia for work. I was excited as he said he would send me a card. Imagine my surprise when on the day he left this card arrived in my mailbox from "LV"! I couldn't have scripted it better.

Skilla, sent me this vintage view card of the Centre of New Industries and Technologies in France. She wrote on the "Here is French architecture. Latvia ...good buildings...I did not have postcards with them." Kind of different, kind of bubble bursting but at least the stamps are from Latvia!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Direct Swap - Maria from Greece

Maria posted in the forum looking to receive certain types of cards to round out her collection. Lucky for me maps from Canada were some of the cards she wanted, so we agreed to swap. In return for the Ontario map I sent, she sent me this great little bit of everything gem. If I can "only have one" card from a country, for me it would be a map. So to have a map, flag and several views, including the Olympic Flame, is a real treat. Then a Christmas stamp to top it off - perfection!

Friday, April 19, 2013

OFFICIAL Card - Germany

Lothar is a 26 year old who sponsors kids in Uganda. He also can speak German, English and Chinese - that is an eclectic mix! He sent me this view card of his hometown - Bremerhaven, Germany.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

OFFICIAL Card - Finland

We were hit with a freak ice storm last week. No school buses for two days and no power for 36 hours. This little bird would have looked right at home here before it jumped to 8C. Now instead of frosted trees it is one gigantic puddle. Thank to Raija in Joutsa for brightening my day with this card. Now to find my bird book to identify him.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

OFFICIAL Card - Ukraine

I received this postcard from a young couple who live in Vinnista, Ukraine. The view on the card shows the A.P. Chekhov house-museum on the Black Sea. As soon as I saw it all I could think was how James Bond-like! They wrote telling me their city is famous for having the largest fountain in Europe. Having checked out some of the You Tube videos of this fountain it looks like something I would go to all the time. Kind of puts the Eaton Centre fountain to shame. Also, love all the different stamps used. I never seem to think of putting stamps on before I write, such a better idea.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

OFFICIAL Card - Poland

Joanna from Warsaw, Poland is #4 on number of cards sent from that country. It took a long 41 days for this night time multi-view to make it to me. She is an English teacher and wrote me during her mid-semester break. As the stamp and cancellation are from Czech Republic maybe she was on holidays (?). I have tried to Google what the various buildings are and am not having much luck. Maybe they look different in the day and the shiny light are throwing me! Anyone have any idea as to what these buildings?

Saturday, April 13, 2013

OFFICIAL Card - Belarus

Liza is a 10 year old girl who lives in Vitebek, Belarus. She is learning English with the help of her Mom and Postcrossing. I love the card she sent me of the Minsk subway system. It reminds me of Toronto's in a way, very straightforward.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Direct Swap - Macau from Miu

You are not seeing double! Yes, I did just post a swap card from Macau yesterday but I can explain....Shortly after I responded to Fen's post there was another one for a similar offer from Miu. I hadn't had any confirmation from Fen and while I sent my card in good faith I honestly didn't know his was coming. So I thought OK what's the worst thing, I get two cards from Macau - and that is exactly what happened! Funny thing is Miu and I agreed to swap almost two weeks later but her card showed up first - weird!?! The view is of the casino and it looks great at night. On the back Miu included a stamp or "chop" from a historical museum. I don't normally include the full back of the card but this time I couldn't resist!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Direct Swap - Macau from Fen

In January, I responded to a forum post that Fen made. He is from China and was travelling to Macau for holidays and was offering to send cards while there. We agreed to swap and this is the card I received from him. It shows a view of what on the card says "Nan Van Night Scene". When I try to Google some information, all I can find is "Nam Van". I don't know which it is....anyone familiar with Macau to help shed some light on this? Either way a great card.

Sunday, April 7, 2013


I had such a laugh when I received Kati's card. She said she used to live in Florida for a few months and now lives in Kansas, "it's all right, if rather boring". What do you expect for a square state! Great card of an egret, which is a word I use quite often when playing Scrabble.