Friday, October 12, 2012

Expired Card - Russia

After 332 days this card is still out there somewhere on it's 7,500 km journey to Moscow, Russia. While cards that do not make their destination are frustrating what really bugged me about this is it was my last lighthouse card from my trip last year to New Brunswick. Oh well, maybe I should take that as a sign to go back and stock up!?!?


  1. Wow, what a beautiful postcard! So sad it is lost out there. How do you get to that lighthouse? Is there a bridge, or do you have to go over by boat? The water is so pretty! I'd love to see The Maritimes someday.

    1. Good question! You can see a dock that is submerged so my guess would be by boat only. I can't even remember which lighthouse this is to check it on Wikipedia. The Maritimes are amazing, you should try to check it out one day.

  2. You definitely need a trip out East!! Esp. when we are not so BUSY graduating, so we can do more visiting.

    1. I know I do need any vacation at this point....if I was just one number closer on the lottery :)

  3. I hate to say this but... I seriously started hating Russia because ALL of my postcards to this stupid country takes forever before they get registered, and so many of them have expired and got lost somewhere... Postcrossing itself should actually do something about this! It's so frustrating.


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