Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Random Act of Smiliness - Pitcairn Island from J.J.

Last week to say I was surprised by this card was an understatement! My dear friend J.J. had somehow managed to have a card written and mailed to me from Pitcairn Island. Wowza!!!! And I know that doesn't do it justice! While I had heard of it I didn't not know much about so went to my trusty Wikipedia to learn more. I was really surprised to see how small the population is - 48 people! My extended family is bigger than that! The views on the card show - Bi-Centennial Plaque, Christian's Cove and Longboat, Bounty Bay. The stamps and cancellation are equally as wonderful. Thank you J.J. and I would really like to know how you managed this one?!?!?

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